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machine construction中文是什么意思

用"machine construction"造句"machine construction"怎么读"machine construction" in a sentence


  • 机器构造
  • 机器结构
  • 机械制造


  • The square and flat type of keys are in wide use for general machine construction .
  • Accurate machine construction
  • In chapter three , the paper describes designing of machine constructions and transmissions in this system
  • Nowadays , availability is the key criterion for market success and economic efficiency in machine construction , process engineering and automation technology
  • The main topic of this paper is about steel pipe strapping machine . according to analyzing machine construction and process principle of this system produced by simatic group . germany , a global scheme of this system is provided ; controlling system of this machine is composed of profibus - dp as central technology , simatic plc as dpm1 , industrial pc as dpm2 is established
    通过对德国西马特钢管打捆机的机械结构和打捆工艺原理的分析,提出了钢管打捆机的总体设计方案,确立了以profibus ? dp现场总线技术为核心;以西门子可编程控制器为第一类主站;以工业pc为第二类主站的钢管打捆机控制系统。
  • The paper introduces the construction technique and quality control of the concrete ground container , the project uses the small machine - constructing method which vibrates beam and the vibrating spear unify , through example of key working procedure : the construction survey , the ground basic roller compaction , two ash zone constructions , the steel bar construction , the template construction , the concrete surface layer construction craft and the quality control , the small machine construction method prove to meet the project needs
  • The magswitch is suitable for many liquid and gaseous mediums and is used in vacuum technology pump control , refrigeration technology compressor control , gas technology stock monitoring , leak detection , filter monitoring dirt detection , level measurement overfill protection , dry - running protection , and is also used for a whole variety of measurement tasks in hydraulics and pneumatics , in machine construction and in building technology
  • The sc400 is suitable for many liquid and gaseous mediums and is used in vacuum technology pump control , refrigeration technology compressor control , gas technology stock monitoring , leak detection , filter monitoring dirt detection , level measurement overfill protection , dry - running protection , and is also used for a whole variety of measurement tasks in hydraulics and pneumatics , in machine construction and in building technology
  • In this paper , it is studied and analyzed characteristic of stress , distortion etc . of pipe liner structure combining dahuofang transport water tunnel practice project , tunnel boring machine construction , and it is considered that affects internal force of pipe liner for early stress of underground structure and digging load . in nonlinear finite element calculation model , folium cells have been simulated among pipe liner and pipe liner and wall rock . under varies load condition , it has educed that changing rule of stress , distortion and load characteristic pipe liner in kinds of wall rock tunnel by analysis and calculation
用"machine construction"造句  
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